Mortar Boards and other Graduation Hats

Hard Skull Made-to-measure Mortarboard with Silver Tassel
The classic hat to wear at a graduation is the mortar board. A familiar picture is of graduands tossing mortar boards into the air after the ceremony. This is a global image which cannot fail to inspire bring a smile to one's face. However recently health and safety concerns have even affected this time-honoured practice so do it if you must, but please be very careful of falling hats!
Mortar boards are called by many different names: square, cap, hat, graduation hat, and board are some of the most common examples, but they all have the same distinctive flat top and tassel. Normally they are black with a black tassel but some have golden tassels (as in our logo) and even gold or other braid on the skull cap, particularly when worn by a senior figure such as a Principal or Chancellor.
Your Graduation is pleased to offer many different styles of mortar board. Our standard hat has a traditional look and elasticated sides for additional grip and comfort. We can also offer soft skull hats as well as handmade made-to-measure hard skull mortar boards. We can also offer different coloured tassels.
We also offer other traditional hats including bonnets (also called Tudor bonnets) and with these we can also offer tassels of many different colours to meet the requirements of your institution.